在Wonderful ,我们非常关注整个组织内员工的经历和成功。迄今为止,已有 150 多名Wonderful 教育计划和Wonderful College Prep Academy 学校的毕业生回到我们的公司工作。我们邀请您阅读他们的一些故事。
Arturo Cabrera graduated from Fresno State in 2019 with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a minor in sociology, later earning a master’s degree in student affairs and college counseling in 2021. Cabrera began his career as a college success coach for Wonderful Education in the Central Valley region, supporting Fresno State students.

Yehidy Gomez attended Wonderful College Prep Academy, where she completed the Ag Prep program. She says Wonderful Education not only allowed her to grow as a student but also gave her the mindset to flourish in future career opportunities. Starting as a sales support representative for Wonderful Citrus, she established fundamentals in the sales business and learned how to build relationships with customers.
通过Ag Prep 计划,Gomez 在高中毕业后的那个夏天获得了贝克斯菲尔德学院的副学士学位。两年后,19 岁的她从Fresno 州立大学获得了农业商务学士学位。20 岁时,她在瓦斯科购买了一处投资房产,并希望将其出租。未来,她还想获得工商管理硕士学位。
我们致力于为下一代做好准备,帮助他们发现他们所热衷的职业。Wonderful ,这么多毕业生选择继续与我们合作,我们感到非常兴奋!