在 COVID-19 大流行的高峰期,Lost Hills 居民通过参与持续的检测和接种疫苗来互相保护。Wonderful 健康中心位于失落之丘和德拉诺,California ,自 2020 年 3 月起提供 COVID-19 检测,自 2021 年 1 月起提供 COVID-19 疫苗接种,是距离县卫生站数英里之外的Central Valley 居民的主要资源。

In 2022, Lost Hills was number one in Kern County in terms of population vaccinated in a city with more than 600 residents, at 99% (compared to 55% in the county) for people aged 12 years and older, according to the California Department of Public Health.
Wonderful Health & Wellness, our community medical provider and partner, has followed the Kern County Public Health Department’s COVID-19 vaccination guidelines to ensure safe, effective, and equitable distribution of the vaccine, which has resulted in over 3,600 vaccinated Kern County citizens.

我们正竭尽全力确保Kern 郡的人们知道他们不必独自面对这场公共卫生危机。我们很荣幸能将我们的疫苗接种服务扩展到失落山和迪拉诺以外的社区成员,以帮助满足这个受 COVID-19 严重影响地区日益增长的需求。
首席医疗官、Wonderful Health & Wellness