
雷斯尼克夫妇对California State Summer School for the Arts 的支持是他们更广泛努力的一部分,他们的努力是为艺术家(无论身处何地)架起桥梁,让所有人都能接触到艺术。

舞蹈演员在California State Summer School for the Arts
舞蹈演员在California State Summer School for the Arts

我们的共同创始人Lynda and Stewart Resnick 致力于确保来自各种背景的学生都有机会发展自己的创造才能,并从事艺术职业。

20 多年来,Resnicks 夫妇在其基金会和Wonderful Company 的支持下,为California State Summer School for the Arts (CSSSA) 提供了支持,这是一项为期四周的严格的职业前视觉和表演艺术培训计划,每年夏天在California Institute of the Arts 为高中生举办。


Through continuous work and engagement in California’s Central Valley, the Resnicks noticed that students in the region often had limited access to performing arts training programs like CSSSA. As a result, they decided to fund an outreach coordinator role at the school to assist with student recruitment in the Central Valley and provide scholarship support to ensure that students from the region would have the same opportunities as their peers from other areas of the state. As of 2023, through the support of the Resnicks and The Wonderful Company, over 450 Central Valley students have gained access to CSSSA and 75% of accepted Central Valley students have received full-ride scholarships.

曼努埃尔-多明克斯(Manuel Dominquez)是Kern 郡的居民,2021 年毕业于CSSSA 。现在,他正在Pomona College 继续他的学业之旅,这要归功于CSSSA 为他颁发的奖学金。在提名他获得大学奖学金时,电影学院的老师说:"曼努埃尔是美国梦的化身。他将是家里第一个上大学的人;他在艺术上不断追求自我,从不屈服于压力。我们知道,这笔奖学金将帮助他实现在波莫纳继续电影事业的目标。我们很高兴看到他接下来的创作。

雷斯尼克夫妇对CSSSA 的支持只是他们更广泛努力的一部分,他们的目标是缩小艺术家之间的差距,无论他们居住在哪里,确保每个人都能接触到艺术。


CSSSA 电影学院



